
Saturday 10:45-11:45am Megan, Lauren & Alicia

Taekwondo is a Korean martial arts charactised by puching and kicking techniques. This class involves a range of activites to help students develop skills whilst also enjoying the process of learning. Students can also take part of our grading after


Tuesday: 6-7pm Wednesday 5:00-6:00pm & 7-8pm Friday 5:30-7:00pm Saturday 11:45-1:15pm Megan, Alicia & Lauren

Our weapons lessons include learning new skills with weapons such as: sword, Bo staff, Nunchucks and Kamas. This class is a great way to get creative with the weapons and make routines. Every weapon is safe to use and is

Little Ninjas

4:15-5:00pm Monday-Thursday, 3:30-4:15pm Wednesday, 10:00-10:45am Saturdays Megan, Lauren and Alicia

Designed for children from 4-7 years old. A class filled with fun activities to help students develop their karate skills to help the students learn how to be a ninja while also having fun


Monday: 7:00-8:00 pm Megan & Alicia Abel

Our kickboxing class is designed to help increase students strength and overall fitness level. This class ranges from ages 8 upwards.


Utopia Martial Arts is a family-run, family-friendly Martial Arts Club based in central Sheffield.

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